When you are looking for a new job, sending one resume after another, carefully crafting cover letters for each opportunity, repeating your job history and goals to multiple hiring managers can get tiresome. Here are a few strategies that can help you find a job without losing your mind.
Take Time to Recharge
A job search can be a full-time job. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a 24-hour obsession. Spend time with family and friends, enjoy hobbies or just relax. You’ll return to your search refreshed and focused.
Be More Selective
You only have so much energy to expend on your search. Don’t waste it on opportunities that aren’t a good fit. Send fewer, but more accurately targeted resumes. Don’t accept interviews that are unlikely to end in an offer you want to accept.
Switch up Your Story
If you’ve been interviewing for a while, you’ve probably been repeating the same stories about yourself in the same way. Go back through your work history for anecdotes that reflect your abilities and write them down so you have more to choose from when interviewers ask, “Tell me about a time when…” questions.
Freshen Your Look
Is your interview attire taking a beating? Shoes scuffed? Ties or makeup outdated? Clean or press what is still in good shape. Shop to update the rest. Being well dressed can help you feel more professional and confident.
Remember the Mind/Body Connection
Make time for physical activity every day. It will get you out of the house and relieve stress. You may find you get some of your best job search ideas while you are on a run or at the gym.
Set Goals
Finding a new job is your ultimate goal, but setting interim goals can give you a feeling of accomplishment until you get there. Create metrics for yourself like number of resumes you send or networking meetings you set up per week.
Don’t Go It Alone
Partner with a staffing and recruiting agency like Employment Professionals Canada. We can help you find opportunities that are more closely aligned with your experience and goals, and give you feedback on your interviewing techniques. Contact us today to learn more about our Niagara region staffing services.